Meet our team


Welcome to SGH RCM Academy, your platform for expanding your knowledge and skills in Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) and the wider field of healthcare management. SGH RCM Academy provides expert training and resources to optimize revenue cycle management and drive excellence in healthcare management.

As Chief of RCM and Sales Officer at Saudi German Health Group, I founded this Academy to empower professionals through opportunities that enhance skills and maximize potential. The Academy is more than a training portal, it is a transformative space where knowledge and practice come together. It reflects Saudi German Health's commitment to excellence in healthcare.

As you explore the Academy, I invite you to utilize available tools, engage with others and provide any feedback. SGH RCM Academy is dedicated to shaping you into a leader in healthcare management and RCM, helping you to shape the future of healthcare together.

Dr. Abdelaleem Shishi
Chief of RCM & Sales Officer, Saudi German Health Group